First, I think it’s important to define “drama”. Drama = CONFLICT. Basically, drama is a situation that involves intense and conflicting emotions. So, what’s good and what’s bad about drama? Well, we like to watch movies with drama because they show characters overcoming some kind of problem in their lives and becoming the hero of their own story. And it can be a wonderful boost to our confidence to watch someone else overcome something (drama) in their lives. But drama in real life sucks because it’s basically the act of allowing yourself to be overcome with intense and conflicting emotions.
My motto is “drama is for the stage, not IRL”.
Here are my top 3 tips on how to kick drama to the curb:
- When you ask someone “How Are You?” I know it may seem simple, and well, it is! And most of the time people reply with the obligatory “fine” in response. But, it’s a wildcard and sometimes (probably more often then you’re even aware of), people actually take that question seriously (how dare they, right!?) and give you a “my day sucks because….” or “I’m sad or upset because….” or they give you a list of all the reasons they can’t be happy in their lives.
Seriously, walking around and asking people “how are you?, is a HUGE question to be asking everyone and anyone that you see throughout your day. So, what can you do instead of saying “How are you?” to your clerk at the grocery store or your co-worker, that you know just goes on and on and on about her dramas? Try something on a bright note that doesn’t basically ask people what they’re problems are, like: “It’s a beautiful day out today, isn’t it?”, “Wow, you look wonderful today” or “I really dig those earrings you’re wearing!” Take charge of your interactions with others and don’t invite drama in!
- Watching movies or tv shows, listening to music or reading books that you know will make you feel a sense of sadness or internal conflict – that will not be a cathartic experience, but rather just a “rubbing salt in the wound” kind of thing. So, a couple years back a friend of mine saw this movie about this high powered professional woman and how her ex came back into her professional life and then they got back together and got married. Well, good for her, but my friend was in an emotionally vulnerable place at that moment because she had just ended a relationship and bang, all of a sudden she started getting sad and overly emotional. It’s because she was not in the emotional place to be able to watch something like that without it triggering a total ninja PMS emotional episode. So, what’s the solution? Just say NO to exposing yourself to drama soaked media that may just be a negative trigger for you rather than an inspirational catharsis.
- Having conversations with friends or family members who just go on and on about all of the sucky things in their lives, but never seem to do anything to change it. I’m not talking about being “there” for a friend when they genuinely need someone to talk to (and you’re emotionally available), I’m talking about the people who basically just use you as a sounding board or an emotional pincushion to vent all their frustrations on and they feel way better after talking with you about it, (usually so much better that they don’t even take any action to prevent “it” from happening again in their future) but you end up feeling drained after talking with them. I had a client who’s sister was in a very unhappy marriage that was becoming more and more abusive and wasn’t going to be saved.
Every time her sister had a huge argument with her husband, she would call my client and they would talk about it for an hour or two. That was fine the first time, but it eventually became several times a week. And the sister just didn’t do anything about it because my client just continued to listen and not really do anything to help her sister see that she could make the choice to not have that kind of turmoil in her life. During our coaching sessions, I explained to her that she was basically enabling her sister to stay in an abusive relationship by continuing to engage with her drama, rather than working towards finding a solution. One day after one of our sessions, my client finally told her sister her own truth. That listening to the drama that she was continuing to expose herself to on a daily basis was draining her energy and that she was not going to talk with sister about all the arguments going on in her marriage until she was ready to take some positive action to find a solution. You know what? About 2 weeks later, the sister called my client asking for her to help find a divorce lawyer because she had made the decision that her safety was important. You have the power to control who you interact with, use it wisely!
Look, research has proven that the reason that movies and tv shows are so exciting is because when you’re watching something, a part of your brain feels like you are having the experience yourself.
So, ya, duh…. when you’re talking to people about their dramas, a part of your brain gets stressed, your blood pressure increases and you start to take on the stresses of the person you’re talking to about their drama, which suddenly become yours after a while because when you’re in the midst of a conversation, your brain thinks that you are experiencing the drama that is going on.
Drama. Just say no!
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Combining her talents as a Natural Born Psychic Medium, Life Coach, Musician, Speaker, Author, Radio/TV Host, Organic Marketing Executive and Maverick Entrepreneur, WildFlower creates inspiring products, facilitates life-transforming events and hosts the TV/Radio show “Bridging The Gap” to help teach you how to create a life you love, to give you the tools and techniques to create the future you’ve always dreamed of, create your own reality, get more deeply connected to your Inner Spirit and become the success you’ve always known you are.
Known as America’s #1 Life Transformation Expert, WildFlower combines ancient Shamanic wisdom with practical techniques that make sense for today’s fast-paced world. Her work helps people to uncover their own hidden magic within and empowers them to create a meaningful and authentic life they love.
WildFlower is the founder of “WildFlower Institute”, an online educational and coaching center dedicated to teaching people how to create lives they love by offering Psychic Readings, Intuitive Life Coaching, Business Coaching, In Person Workshops across the globe, Online Courses, and through original TV and Radio shows on WildFlower Studios. Find out more and get her email newsletter at